Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How To Be Emo ..

The following things will help you on a day that you feel like being an emotional wreck ...

Step 1: Make sure it's the last day of your summer vacation. Cause you know, you're never gunna be able to have any more free time once high school starts kid. And the weekends fly by, so the day before school starts (like today) is a perfect day.

Step 2: Go without seeing some of your best friends for about a month. It makes you really upset and makes you miss them A LOT. So make sure you don't talk to them online or anything either. Because that'll just top the cake.

Step 3: Don't forget to have most of your other best friends live in different states than you. Of course, you met them online and the probability of meeting them in person is slim to none. So have fun thinking about all the fun stuff you guys would do together .. which will never happen!

Step 4: Have three of your favorite boys in the whole entire world be on the other side of the country. Make sure there's NO possible way to get in touch with them. And when they post youtube videos or myspace bullitens/blogs make sure you cry as you watch/read them. And make sure that one curly haired kid that you're madly in love with doesn't return the feelings. Cause youre a fan. And he doesn't do that kinda thing. Instead, he'll stick around that whore, who he doesn't even like half the time and who is a complete bitch to him.

Step 5: The boy you're starting to like in real life, make sure that you guys have just met. Make sure you're cousin isn't best friends with him. It's best if you guys know absolutely nothing about eachother, yet you're attracted to him none the less.

And last but not least ..

Step 6: Start school tomorrow. Be a freshman and not know anyone or anything about your new school. Be the lowerclassmen. Be so confused about what's going to happen this year. Make sure you get LOADS of homework and tests, cause thats totally you're favorite things right?

Okay really sorry to be so negative but I'm in such a bad mood right now. I'm so .. upset I guess you can say. Not mad, more sad than anything. Oh well .. I'll let you all know how tomorrow goes.

4 comments: said...

Awwwwwwww, baby.
Don't be emo.
I wub you a wot.
And if you're emo, I'll be emo, and nobody'll like that.

I'm not gonna say I don't know how you feel about most of these, but I do... like exactly.
But I constantly remind myself (kay so mom reminds me for me...) that if you keep a negative outlook on everything... everything's gonna suck.

But if you just chill and are like "Everything's gonna be chill." then it will be.

And if not. You'll always have me. :]
I love you.
Cheer up Charlie.
~Manda Jean

julia said...

I'm sorry your life sucks right now.
But it will get better.
Being a freshman isn't really that bad.. and you'll get through it because you're the fly-est kid on the block.
But for real, you're one of the coolest people I know. I want to be like you, as lame as that sounds. *oobedoo*
But yeah, I can pretty much sympathize with some of these.
I hope you feel better.
And remember how lucky you are to even have a relationship with that curly-haired kid. He knows your name and you've had actual conversations and all. Kevin said you were his friends in PR.
You rock. Don't ever change.
Don't be emo.
Because, I can't be emo, because my black-nail polish supply is dangerously low.
Unless.. you want to be emo and have Pete Wentz rescue you.
That would be okay with me.

heather said...

Excuse me, you're not allowed to be emo.
That's reserved for mwah.
Just kidding.

1. You're going to be a freshman. You'll still have free time.
2. You'll pull through. I know it's tough, but tell youreself it'll be alright.
3. WE WILL ALL MEET ONE DAY. I thought we went over this? haha. But seriously.. I'm really stupid for not just walking up to you. But there WILL be another time. And our whole crew will get together.. one day.
4. Is crying healthy? I seem to do it too.. But be happy you know that curlykid. And hey, you never know, he may do that kind of this. (she's a bitch to him?)
5. Ok, there is nothing wrong with that. Seriously, nothing at all. Just get to know him more, talk to him.
6. Freshman year is NOT that bad. You'll probably have TONS of fun because you're crazycool like that. Seriously, who DOESN'T want to be friends with you?

Good luck on your first day!

Anonymous said...

don't be emo biffleeee!
i hope you feel bettter.
i love you!

and yeah, shes a complete bitch to him. we're still trying to figure out why he likes her.

and freshman year will be fun, you'll see! (: