Friday, August 24, 2007

Que Bonita Bandera!

Hello everyone! Man oh man do I have stories for you! Most of them involve thoes Jonas kids we all love so much, so I'll get right to it. As you all already know, my best friends and I went to Puerto Rico. We stayed at the Intercontinental in San Juan. It was the most gorgeous Hotel I've ever stayed at in my life. 5 star and everything was just .. gah. Indescribable really. Since our mom's are basically the best ever, they let us get our own room. So, Amanda Amanda and I partied, cause that's just the way we roll.

Our 5 days in Puerto Rico were spent in the gorgeous hotel pool, amazing beach right outside, riding in the hotel elevators, looking for friends (Canadians & Blue Shorts - but Blue Shorts wasn't as nice as we expected and we never got to meet Gray Shorts), ordering Room Service, staying up till 4 a.m, locking eachother out on the porch, eating at the Metro Pol, snacking at all hours of the day, HOLY CRAP RYAN SHECKLER IS A JUDGE FOR MISS TEEENN U.S.AAAAA!!!!!!!!! hdasjhdkanuwhekjdshuskjdhak HAVE MY KIIIDDDDDDSSSSSSS OGOMGOGMGMGOMGGOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Wow okay sry I get distracted easily. And I love Mr. Sheckler like fdfhkjafnajfa gahh. Anyyyywayyyy, I think you get the point. We had an AMAZING vacation together and thoes Jonas Kids just made it even better.

We got to the venue about an hour before the show started and just walked around a little bit once we were inside. Surrounded by people who spoke Spanish, it was a little awkward for us but we dealt haha. So, we were walking around minding our own buisness and find out if there was a m&g or not when some lady that worked at the venue went up to Amanda and was like .. are you Amanda? so she was like .. yea? and the lady was like .. come with me. So she was like, well what about them? And the lady was like .. I thought there was only one of you? And she was like .. No there's the 3 of us. So the lady made us follow her anyway and she took us down a hallway and into like this door where there were more security guards and more hallways. The other security guard was talking to us in Spanish asking us which of us was Amanda and we were so confused cause we didn't understand him but then he was like .. "only Amanda is supposed to be in here" in english so we were like uhhh .... So we looked around and down the hallway there was a few adults and their kids and all of a sudden we see Kevin come out of one of the side hallways to talk to the people and he glances around and looks at us and his mouth drops. He totally ignored the people he was supposed to be talking to (which I felt bad about) and walked over to us and is like "What are you doing here?!?!" and gave the three of us really big hugs. So then he starts talking to us about the SayNow message and how they got a new phone and all of this random stuff that I don't even remember (he has an iPhone btw haha lucky kid). While he was talking to us Joe came out of that Hallway and was like ... "Wow!!!" followed by Nick haha. So all in all, they were so shocked. After giving us hugs (which were some of the best I've gotten hah) they went to talk and take a picture with the group of people that were there before us.

So we waited a little behind them while and after the boys took the picture we over heard Kevin say to the security guard "can we actually go talk to them. They flew in from the U.S, they're our friends." :] That kid seriously, gah I can't. Haha. Sweetest<3 Anyway, the 6 of us talked for awhile and got a picture and then said our goodbyes. The show was absolutely amazing. We were about 4th row right between Joe and Kevin and we kept getting CRAZY eye contact. AND Kevin did our Goodnight & Goodbye dance, AGAIN. I think it's becoming tradition for him. hahaha. He's such a cute kid though. Anyway, you all get the idea. My best friends and my favorite boys, come on? What could be better than that?

When I got home I had orrientation the next day. It was actually really fun and I'm so exicted to start school. I want to do so many extra activities and I'm so excited to meet new people and experience new things. I actually wanna do Track, which I'm stoked for, and of course Softball. I start on the 6th and I know I'm gunna miss the summer like crazy, but I'm ready :]

And then there's yesterday. Oh what to say about yeserday. Well first off, GIRLS ARE CRAZY. This may sound extreamly mean but I HATE Jonas Brothers fans. I have the few that I love and are my best friends, but other than that I can't stand these girls. They flip out and stalk the boys, including Frankie. They squeal when they touch the tour bus. The cause a stampeed when the boys try to switch buildings. It seriously has gotten so rediculous ....

HAhahahah the boys are performing on Miss Teen U.S.A right now and it's the funniest thing in the WORLD! They sing like 2 lines and then the girls walk out and they just play the background music but I can't explain why I think it's so funny, I just find it hilarious hahah. And Nick did a ltitle S.O.S dance but I don't think Kevin did his. But seriously Joe and Kevin are probably dieing right now with thoes girls hahahaha. Ohh mannnn I can't stop laughing. Thoes boys *shakes head*

ANNNNNYYYWAYYYY, Like I was saying, I can't stand thoes girls anymore. I seriously wanna smack them and be like "theyre just BOYS! Get over yourself!" but I'd get in trouble. haha. So, I just keep to myself and make fun of them with my best friends. Mean? Not really. You just have no idea how much it frusterates me. And I feel so bad for the boys. But enough of that for now, I'll explain the concert. Sooo the m&g was before the show and it was pretty rushed but we dealt. Kevin gave me a huge hug and was like .. "HEY GIRLIES!" hahah. So far we've gotten that 3 times and "LADDIESSSSS!!!" once. Hmm Kev Jay :] Nick was a cutie as usual and then I actually had a conversation with Joe! I havn't really like spoken spoken to him in awhile so it was a little awkward but nice. And he gave me a good hug, so I was happy about that. The show was amazing. Is it ever not? We were 3rd row on Nick's side. Joseph fell. HAHAHAHA. Yea, funny funny FUNNY stuff. And he teased us all by going "The next song we're gunna play is TIME FOR ME TO FLY! No, just kidding haha! We havn't played that in awhile, but maybe some day." Seriously, my heart dropped and I wanted to run up and smack him, but I contained myself. Haha. I wish they played that<3 But I've gotta tell you the best part of that whole show was my Kev smile. During one song Kev was looking around and singing like he usually does. So he scanned the crowd and we made eye contact and he saw me singing along with him and he gave me the BIGGEST smile EVER, with a little head nod to go along. It was seriously the cutest thing in the world.

Sad thing is, that was my last concert until December. I promise you, I'm not gunna make it. I have gotten WAY too attached to these boys. I can't even go more than a week without seeing them, how am I supposed to go 4 months? Everything has changed so much in a year and ... gah I'm seriously just gunna shut my mouth. I talk about all of this way too much and I don't even think I have the words to describe my feelings so I'll just end it here.

I miss the boys already and December can't come soon enough.


heather said...

Nicky, can I come live with you?
Just playin'.
But seriously.. your life sounds pretty amazing. And not just 'cause of the Jonas things.

You'll make it through those 4 months!
I'll help you.
I'm not sure how.. but I will! :]

You're excited for school?!
Haha, I'm not. I start on Monday.. and yeah.. this school year is going to be HECTIC.

I loverz youuuu.

julia said...
