Monday, June 4, 2007

I've Been Missin You, It's True

The damage is done. 3 weeks without 'Little Lad'. Someone please murder me. I think I'm going to cry, seriously. All my stuff is on there and it's just .. gah. I'm gunna smack someone. I miss my lappytoppp and I hate this one so much :[

Today was the yearbook ceremony. It came out really really good if I do say so myself, being that I was the editor and all. Haha. I gave my speech and it went pretty well. Then my class went back to the gym for a little lunch-in and we signed eachothers books and whatev. And Mrs. Buscemi told me I'm Saloditorian (sp?), so yea that was cool.

I'm watching HP 4 right now. Gah Rupert Grint can have my babies. Or Dan, either one really. Haha. But I'm so freakin excited for the 5th movie and 7th book! Espically the movie since it comes out the day after my birthday. Can you say parrrrrtttayyyy?!

I hate Jonas fans, espically when I see videos of them basically attacking the boys. Just stop. Because I'm not kidding when I say I hate you. You're giving such a bad name to all of the fans that DON'T do that stuff. And if you think the boys will notice you and like you for doing that, you're wrong. So shut your mouths and leave them alone. Would you want to be chased down? I don't think so.

Speaking of Jonas, I miss them so much. It's so hard not seeing them as much as I used to and I hate it. The 17th better come sooner. I miss my bunny boy. And Kevin's fairy spins and air pumpage. And Joe's headbands (BALLZ) and his ... Joeness. But I'm deprived of my jumping pictures and it's so sad. Nick Jonas, get on my body right now please :]

4 comments: said...


No ferserious. I hate Jonas fans too. They're so weird. hahaha

And Kev Jay, get on my body before I scream loudly. haha, fershizzle. That was freaking HOTT. *goes off to watch again*

julia said...

Awwww. Those fans were INSANEEEE. I agree. :[

I was yearbook editor two years in a row :] We poneee.

Anonymous said...

yes. those fans. not. cool. :[

hahaha. how about, you take rupert i take dan? ;)

kevin. oh baby. ;)
kevtuplets pone. :]

Anonymous said...

those freaking fans!! nicky! i was there. they seriously were going to like.. jump them. it wAS insane. I WAS LIKE GIRLS CALM.

jesus. ahha ily.