Saturday, June 2, 2007

Little Lad & N.I Cool J

Happy June! Time for a quick update while I can. Just to let you all know, I didn't die. Yay! *Claps* Yes, my laptop is still broken and I don't like my step-dad's computer at all .. plus I'm not allowed on it as much as I'm usually on mine so that lame. Anyway, have fun reading this pointless blog. I was bored so I decided to write while I had the chance. Soo, where to start ...

I got my aviators today! They're sexy, I'm not gunna lie. And Allyson and I are totally ready to sport them everywhere we go and look liks such studmuffins. Hmm yeaa. Cause we're nice like that.

The boards are back! Yezzzir! My life<3 Haha. Well, not like I can get on them anyway cause I don't have my freakin computer. Sorry if it seems like my laptop is all I talk about. It's like my baby, and it's really depressing when you don't have your baby. So, being that it's my baby and babies usually have names, I think I'll name it. Little Lad fits pretty well, courtesy of Allyson and the Berries and Cream commercial. Wee!

Did pretty well in softball today. We won the first game like 18 to 3. PONED. Then the second team had to forfit cause they're sissys, so we just had a practice. Haha. Okay, I lied. They didn't have enough girls to play, but still ... they were scared of us. You can tell. Cause we're just so darn intimidating. Rawr :] Oh yea and Browne gave me a new nickname today. N I Cool J. I thought it was pretty rad. So yea, sweet deal.

I don't know when the next time I'll get to update this will be but I'll try to make it some time in the near future. We're dropping 'Little Lad' off at Best Buy tomorrow to get fixed. Hopefully he'll be back sometime in the next 10 years. And now, an amazing story by: SUPER JULIA! (Yes, she really did write this!)

once upon a time. there was this girl named.. Nicky? is that a good name? Okay, Nicky. so this girl had magical powers. like, whenever she snapped her fingers, the guy in front of her fell in love with her. so she's at a concert, right, for these three guys? and they decide to have a meet and greet and Nicky, in her sexy self, saunters on up to the table where these three [very goodlooking] guys are signing autographs. and so the first dude in line has spiky hair and hazel eyes, ans Nicky thinks to herself, "he's kind of cute." and so she SNAPS. and this guy is fawning all over her, in the meet and greet line. but uhoh! there's this girl behind her in line, named Seana. and she's all, "YO. GET AWAY FROM MY HOTSTUFF." and all of a sudden, there's lke this gang standing behind her! they're like, "GET. AWAY. FROM. KEVO." in these zombie voices. so Nicky does a karate kick and takes them all out. and so then the Kevo gang is lying squirming on the ground, and Nicky leans across the table and kisses this Kevin guy. but as she's kissing him, the dude next to her catches her eye. he has big eyebrows and a gorgeous smile. and he's all, "yo." so Nicky pushes Kevin away to be with Seana, who is not a zombie, and everything is okay, and she moves on. then she stares into this next kid's brown eyes, and he's all, "Yo. My name is Joe. If I had ten dollars, I'd buy you a collars." and Nicky goes, "is that a sexual pun?" and SNAPs her fingers. and boom then Joe and Nicky are making out across the meet and greet table. Moe is off getting coffee so he doesn't know what's going on. so then, the next kid is like, "excuse me. do you need something autographed?" and Nicky pulls away and sees this kid. he has gorgeous chocolate curls and piercing brown eyes. and he looks back at her, and snaps his fingers. and BOOM Nickay and Nick are making out, and she's all confused because he has magical powers? but then he's all, "don't worry about it. Let's get away from here." and they live happily ever after and have magical musical children. the end.


Allyson said...

HAHAHA INTENSE STORY!!!!! SERIOUSLYY..LITTLE LAD IS THE PERFECT NAME!! IM A GENIOUS!! Im so pumped to rock the aviators!! I miss you muffin!!! Come visit me!

julia said...

I love you for posting that.
That story does pone. :] said...

Whoo! Nickay, you pone.
And that story was amazing hahaha. ly!

heather said...


That story = pure gold.