Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jonas Shows & Sleep Overs

I'm alive! Yessssss! And it's now time for an update! My weekend was absolutely amazing. Saturday Allyson came over and we just chilled all day. She made me watch Free Willy and then we bought FRIENDSHIP SHOES! and rented 'Life Is A House'.

We woke up around 5 on Sunday morning. Got ready and were on the road by 6:15. About 3 hours later we were smelling the sweet chocolaty goodness, haha. Hershey Park pretty much owns my heart now. We met up with Taylor, Sara and Katie and hung out for awhile. Had some lunch and went on a few rides. We stopped by the merch table to get everything organized and sold a few things. Finally, show time. The boys were fantastic as usual. Especially Joe's sweaty back. Hahaha. Then it was time to merch. Trust me, that job is harder than it looks. It was so fun though. The girls and I had a blast with it.

Before we knew it it was almost time for the second show. We snuck out for a few minutes to grab something to eat and then went back to merch. The second show was just as amazing as the first. Nick did Nick J, which was my first time seeing it live. I know I'm probably leaving out a lot of stuff but I'm tired right now and I don't remember it all. Oh, and Joe broke one of his tambo's haha. It was pretty funny. After the show it was M&G time. It was pretty rushed but I got pictures and I got the boys to sign the new poster, which is absolutely gorgeous might I add. Once the M&G was done we went back to merch for a little while and then we had to leave. But, before we went back home Taylor, Sara, Katie, Ally and our parents went on Hershey's Chocolate tour, where Nicholas, Joseph and Kevin sang to us about milk, yummy. Hahaha. After the ride we bought some souvineres (sp?) and then said our goodbyes and headed home.

Monday we woke up around 12 and watched the Lizzie McGuire movie. Gordo is a hottie ;] We started to get ready around 3ish after eating some yummy Chinese food. We got to Jersey at 6 and waited around for awhile before they let us in. AND I SAW THE KID FROM 'SCHOOL OF ROCK!' The one that plays the gayish kid Billy in School Of Rock, yea he was at the JB concert. I'm more than 100% sure it was him. Gah, I should have asked him haha. Anyway, doors finally opened and we got our wrist bands and stuff and went in. Phil was there which made me really happy. He played his set and Nick came out during 'I Want You Back' again. My second time seeing that ;]

Then it was time for the boys to play. They were amazing, like always. Halfway through the show the power blew, so they we're gunna play a few acustic songs but all the crazy fans rushed the stage and wouldn't shut up .. so the boys had to leave until the power got fixed which took like a half hour. They finished their set and Nick did Nick J, again, which kind of bothered me. The show was pretty good, but the M&G was terrible. I did get really good Nick and Joe hugs though :]

After everything was done we headed back to Sara's house, which is gorgeous by the way. Her room is amazing and I want it haha. We stayed up and talked for awhile until we all got tired enough to go to bed. Nick was there with his invisibility cloak. Hahaha. Taylor Ally and I were pretty interesting .. that's all I've got to say about that. Hahah. The next day we woke up and hung out and Ally and I left and went into the city to meet my mom. The rest if pretty much history. Ally went home today and I went swimming when she left. Now I'm here writing this, and I'm tired, and this is really long, soo ...

Goodnight & Goodbye<3

EDITTTTTT - So I totally forgot to add the part about Joseph singing to my mom at the Hershey show. Yea, a good 10 second stare down while he was singing. He was smiling and sining to her, and it was the funniest thing EVER. Sometimes I think the boys and Papa J like her more than they like me! Haha.

3 comments: said...

Aw! Nickayyyyyyyyyy.
It sounds like you had major fun babe!
I wish I was there.
I think that I should hitchike to New York and we can party like rockstars. Or you can hitchhike here. What do you think?

Love you.

julia said...

Haha; you had an amazing time! :]

heather said...

First off, Ping Pong, you're completely nutty. But, I love you anyway.
You're so amazingly lucky it isn't even funny.

Tsk tsk.