Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Okay, so this is kinda just a reminder of all my JB concerts and stuff so I don't forget hahaha. Idk w.e I don't really update this thing anymore .. it's kinda for just concerts now. Anyway, feel free to read if you want. Sry for the lack of detail. I woke up at 4 this morning and I'm completely dead right now.

so i got there and i wasnt supposed to be let in .. but i got in anway;] hahahahha so i went in andddd they came did sound check and did their interview ... which was hilarious! idk if u listened .. then performed s.o.s, year 3k, goodnight & goodbye and hello beauitful and then it was m&g so i im watiing on line and the girl in front of me goes up to them and as shes hugging nick nick looks at me and gives me a HUGE smile. so i smile back .. so when shes done i go up to them .. (there was NO table!) and i give kevin a hug and hes like HEY YOU! we missed you! and im like i know i havnt seen u guys in so long!!!! so i turn to nick and he opens his amrs .. and okay you know how they give like one arm half hugs kinda things they usually do? well he did totally the oposite he gave me the BIGGEST two armed hug EVER today that lasted about .. 5 mins .. seriosuly no exxageration so im like .dhsahdsak youre freakin ADORABLE and he like squeezzed me hahahah so hes like .. how have you been? and im like im good i missed you guys and hes like i know! so then like i walk over to joe and hes talking to big rob ... like TOTALLY ignoring me .. so im like ... uhh .. hi joe and hes like .. OH HIII!!!!!! and im like hahahahah loser so we hugged and then we all took a pic and im standing like in the middle of nick & kevin . talking to them .. idk where joe was (i really dont talk to him & m&g's =/) .. and i was like .. so i heard you guys saw my brother in law in the elevator at the sony building last night and kevins like .. OMG YES! THAT WAS UR BROTHER?! and im like HAHAH YESSS! he told me he saw you guys! and nick was like thats so funny and the 3 of us were like cracking up but anyway, then i had to leave so theyre like .. WELL SEE YOU SOON! and im like yess! thanksgiving!


hmkay .. so here's the elevator story .. hahaha

so im at my sisters house and my brother in law calls and goes to me .. "which jonas brother do you want me to punch" .. just like that .. no hi or whatsup or anything so im like .. WHAT?!?! none of them!!! why?! and hes like .. just which one do you want me to punch and im like omg none of them! WHY ARE U ASKING and he goes .. well which one do you like and im like all of them and hes like .. whos ur favorite and i go .. uh nick and im like WHY?! so hes like .."well .. my boss is having a meeting with them tonight" im like .. HAHAHAH ARE YOU SERIOUS?! hes like yea! and i WAS DIEING cause thats such a coincidence .. so about like .. 2 hrs later i get another call ... "so, i broke the news to nick" and im like .. WHAT?!? hes like .. "yea i was in the elevator with them and i was like .. so which one of you is nick? and he was like .. i am. and i was like .. well my sister in law is in love with you and they all laughed" and im like HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! and hes like .. yea they seem like awesome kids and im like I KNOW ARNT THEY SO CUTE?! and hes like .. yea so cute so i was like .. im seeing them tomorrow and hes like ... u have to be like ... "so, i heard you guys were talking to my brother in law in the elevator last night" ..... and then you all know what happened after that ;] hahaha

yeaaaaaa boii :]
check for a new one next week


Anonymous said...

you didn't slip them my number though=[
oh well i'll just do it my self at the parade or GMA.

heather said...

Ping Pong.
Jealous to the extreme. ;]

Seriously though, that's AMAZING. :]
You should come to Texas when they have a concert here sometime over the summer. mhmmm. ;]

Joe needs to pay more attention. ;]