Wednesday, July 18, 2007

HP & JB, All I Need!

A long awaited update is finally here! Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn! Muahah. Warning: It shall be mostly about my 2 Obsessions .. Jonas & Potter. If you have a problem with either or both of thoes topics please exit to your top right hand corner. Thanks and have a nice day.

Last time I left you all was the day before my birthday, aka - the day Harry Potter 5 came out in theatres. Amanda, Laura and I went to go see it at around 2ish or so. Anyway, it was amazing. The 5th book is my favorite so far and the movie was good, but I'm not gunna lie ... I was expecting more. But because the book was so detailed and so much stuff happened they had to cut most of it out of the movie. But I loved the flashbacks and Harry's dreams, that stuff was pretty cool. And when Sirius died, oh man don't get me started. Almost cried. I'm actually suprised I didn't since I cried when Cedric died. Daniel and Rupert, man oh man are they sexy. No, seriously. I can't even think of any other word besides sexy haha! Like um hello Rupert sleeping in a tank-top in bed (with me), come on man that's freakin hot! Haha! I wanna meet the both of them so bad. I love them immense ammounts. The end. Haha!

I'm seriously freakin out about the 7th book. I'm gunna have to buy it when I'm in the airport, since I'll be on my way to Hawaii when it comes out. Haha! But yes, I've heard rumors about one of the people who's gunna die (no, not Harry) and how and man I was FLIPPING out. I really hope it's not true, but if it is oh gosh I'll ... I'll ... I can't even think about it fer seriosuly. But I am so freakin excited for this book you dont understand. Oh and the past two days I've been re-reading the Half Blood Prince and I'm almost done haha got like 4 or 5 more chapters and thats it. Onto the Deathly Hallows!

And as for today, well today was an adventure. I seriously can't even begin to describe how happy I am for these boys. They've grown and matured so much in everything since 2005 and they deserve every single thing they're getting. I'm seriously so proud of them. And to know that I've been with them for so long and helped them become what they are today makes me feel so amazing. Saying this new CD is gunna be amazing would be the understatement of the century. There's so many awesome special effect and stuff and CD VU+ is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life. The pictures and video's on the CD are absolutely amazing. Well anyway .. on to my day ...

We got stuck in crazy crazy traffic and didn't get into the city until 2 and a half hours after we left my house. The normal ride there is like a half hour, 45 mins tops. The boys got delayed because of the weather and problems with their flight so they took a helicopter to the westside (which I actually find really funny, Jonas rides in style haha!) So we got there and went to get our wrist bands and then went inside. The 'Hold On' video was playing on like all of the TV's in there which was REALLY cool. And we saw the world premier of the S.O.S video. I'm gunna be completely honest and tell you that what I saw of it (it wasn't the whole thing, just the short version) I can tell it's gunna be my favorite video of theirs. It's got a story line to it so it's not just them performing, and it's SOOOOOO funny. I'm seriously so excited to see the whole thing. And, the begining killed me. Nicholas, oh man. After the video we got to see all of the things that would be on the new CD VU +, which everything is amazing. And then the boys came out and spoke for a little while and took pictures for the press. We chilled and got to explore the CD VU+ thing a little more, which seriously is the best thing in the world, and then it was M&G time.

Joe was normal Joe. He was all "HEYY!" when I went up to the table and he signed my stuff and gave me a hug. But it was funny cause the girl before me, when she went to go get a picture with them Joe backed away as soon as the lady was going to take the picture and he sneezed! It was so funny and so cute at the same time I was like awww haha blesss you Joe! Then Nick, ohhh Nick. Well, I found out why he's been pretty quiet lately. But I don't really feel like I should go spreading that around so I'll just keep it private. But man, that kid means so much to me. Anyway, when I got up to him I was looking down at the thing Joe just signed and I looked up at Nick and he was holding his arms out and ... gah just seriously the cutest kid I've ever met in my life. I love him. Like, a lot. But as much as we all know I love Nicholas, I gotta admit ... Kevin took the cake today. We were talking for a loooooooong time. About the CD and about last year. Nick was listening in but didn't say much and Joe was just out in left field somewhere. But yea, we had a pretty intense conversation and I just love thoes kids so much. I love just being able to talk to them and being able to hug them and just being able to share these experiences with them. It makes me feel really good. I love them. That is all.

Hawaii on Saturday!


PotentialDisater said...

Awwwe. ILY.
Sounds like you had so much fun.
lmao at your hp stuff lol

heather said...

It sounds like you had an amazing time.
I would love to hear about it more.. if you ever want to tell me.. ;)

Have fun in Hawaii!

heather said...

Ping Pong, it wasn't you that made me cry. It was a lot of things.
But, I'm all better now, so it's all good.

But I'm very curious about why Nick has been quiet. Butt.. you said you'd keep it private, so I'll just wonder to myself. haha.

julia said...

I would like to know too. :]
But you don't have to post ittttt.
You can just AIM me? *hint*
But if you don't feel comfortable. It's fine.
&I wish I had that relationship with the boys, haha.
Love you Applesauceeeeeeee. <3333