Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving, Amanders & GMA

Ello! Idk how many of you actually read this but it's all good. Anyway, I'll get straight to it ..

So, since the m&g for the parade was canceled mom and I decided not to go, wich I kinda regret. But anyway, I did watch the boys on TV and they were FANTASTIC. I'm so proud of them. Nick and Kevin killed me .. and Joe's scarf .. oh boy. Haha! Anyway, we went to Aunt Sandy's after we got ready and were there for the whole night. We got home about 12ish and Amanda and Nellie came over at like 1:30 (A.M btw haha). We were both excited to see eachother and just in good moods all around.

So for the night we looked at old pictures, made fun of the boys default with blind Nick and Diana Ross. HAhA! and learned the "Guilty Pleasure" dance. We decided it was pointless to sleep so we started getting ready at like 3:30ish. We left the house at 4:30 and got into the city at 5. Let me just tell you, it was ... gdsahdjhdak. I can't even explain to you how many girls were there! It was PHYSCO! The crowd went from the front of GMA and stretch around the block, all the way down that long city block and across both streets (which were FILLED with people). Amanda and I were in shock and so upset, it was CRAZY.

So I somehow found Amanda (the other Amanda. hahah there are so many Amandas) haha and she got there at 3am. CRAZY GIRL! haha. But I wished her a happy birthday and talked to her for a little while. Then I got back in the car and me and Amanda were so upset and DID NOT want to wait on that huge line because it was pointless and we would have died from the cold being that it felt below zero degrees out. So we were on our way home, but still in the city, and we still really upset but we were kind of second guessing ourselves, wondering if we should stay or not, and making fun of our moms using weird words .. (impose, hot coacoa, and merchandise HAHA). We decided to go back just to see what was going on. On the way back I got a text from Joyce asking what was up.

Anyway, we wound up staying and waiting in the car across the street from the GMA studio so we saw the boys on the big TV while we were in the nice warm car. We waited like, forever. Haha. From like 5 to 9, and we didn't even have to really. But it was all good. So I had to pee really bad and we went into this ghetto McDonalds and me and Amanda almost cried because it was scary. And of course we got hit on in Starbucks by these 2 drunk guys that didn't speak english. HAHA. Plus, we slept a little bit in the car. After the boys were done performing and doing their interview Joyce called again and we huddled up.

The M&G was fast but it was really good. There was only like .. 25/30 people there. And only like 10 fans. Everyone else was like, Chris Koon, Mandy, Mandy's friends, Push Play, all thoes peeps. So I went up to Kevin first and he was like .. heyyy you! how are you?! and I'm like .. I'm good, freezing but good. And he gave me a huge hug and squeezed me so tight and was like well thanks so much for coming and being freezing for us. and I was like, of course! haha. So then I hugged Nick and he was like thank you so much for everything you're the best. and I was like aww you're welcome it's so worth it for you boys. And then .... JOE WASNT AWKWARD TODAY! I was actually really happy about that haha. He gave me a hug and he was like HEYYY! So then while we got ready to take a picture Joe was talking to Nick about something .. and I couldn't fully hear him because he was mubling but I wish I could of because he was like .. "Dude remember last year she... hfjdshfkajhffa" and Nick was like "Of course I remember that. That was old school Jonas" I was like hahaha. But I really wish I would have heard what Joe said. So we took our pic and then Kevin gave me another big hug and rubbed my back and was like we'll see you soon! and I was like yea deff! and he gave me a kiss on the cheek ;]

So Amanda Amanda and I saw Mr. J and spoke to him for awhile about everything that's happened over the past year. How amazing the changes were and how it was just so ... gah. haha. The boys love it and I'm so proud of them. And he was telling us about a few upcoming shows and all that. We were talking about the crowd today and he said something that really got me (in a good way) He was like .. "You know, the crowds now are just a bunch of anonymous faces now, but the boys will always remember the ones that got them where they are and who were there from the begining" So yea, that made me feel so good. And he was telling us how the boys had to run and catch a flight right after this but they wanted to see us. Haha. Oh and all through this convo Frankie was wrestling with Chris which was so cute and so funny. Haha. Anyway, that was basically it. We got home at like 12 and I passsed out as soon as we got in. And I just woke up at like .. 5:30. And now I'm here, and exausted. Haha.

Hopefully I'll see thoes boys soon.
I miss them already.

3 comments: said...

That's so sweet.
I'm so glad you got to see them. :]
Lucky duck.


julia said...

you rock.
and i'm glad you got to see them.

heather said...

I love you ping ponggg. <33

I was thinking about you all while I was watching the paradeeee. :]

I'm glad you got to see them!!