Monday, May 28, 2007

So Hot, Just Like A Tamale

Sometimes sleeping all day and staying up all night isn't such a good thing.

I went to bed at 5:30am again yesterday after watching the Degrassi marathon for the 20th time and talking to Aller-son and Bee. Turns out that I was extreamly tired today and when Bee called me at 11am telling me she was downstairs. it kinda sorta sucked. To make a long story short ... we went to the beach, fell asleep, and are both now burnt to a crisp. It hurts so bad and I look like a lobster. I seriously think someone could roast marshmellows on my back if they wanted to. That's how hot my body is right now.

Tomorrow is my last day of classes. Woo! Can't wait to get out of that stupid school. I think 10 years is enough, don't you agree? It seriously is crazy that I've been there since Pre-K. Almost all the same teachers, some of the same kids, nothing has really changed, yet a lot of things have.

Time for me to mourn over my precious boards again. It's verrrry sad that they're down, and even sadder that I have absolutely no life without them. Haha. Hopefully they'll be back soon. Or I think I might cry. Fan Fiction owns my heart.

I miss my best friends. Like, a lot. And all my other JB friends. I think that I need to see them all right now. I'm kinda sorta depressed without them. And concerts. So June 17th better come soon or I'll karate-chop someone. A.A.N.A pones the world. The end.


Julianne. said...

Cheeese. :) I miss the boards. I want summer.

The fact that the boards are gone kinda showed me that i really don't have a life.

Allyson said...


Anonymous said...

seriously right now. i cant liveee without those things. its mega sad. love you!!


julia said...

I knowwww. Miss those things like. Alot.

Did you get the plane ticket? :]

heather said...

I miss the boards sooo much!

They really need to come back soon!

Anonymous said...

your amazing.

and no boards is sad :[
and our freaking AIM chats are amazing. haha :]