Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Him, Her, & The Kevtuplets

I've been doing a lot of thinking today, and here's what I came up with ...

I'm sick of letting everyone step all over me. I have to stop being a push-over and I have to learn how to say no to people.

I can't stand 'him'. It pisses me off that he always has to be right. Even when he's wrong, he'll never admit it. It pisses me off that he makes such big deals out of little things. It pisses me off that he can be such an ass hole, but then can be so nice. I just want to smack him sometimes. And as for her, God I wanna smack her just as bad sometimes. She can't even take like an hour to drive me to my best friends house? No. Will she ask him to do it? No because he'll get pissed off. I seriously need to get away from here for a little while.

My team mates have dubbed me 'loudest on the team' today. Hey, that was a given since day one. Do I really need a medal for it? And also, I hit a home run. Even though it was a scrimmage, it was still pretty rad.

It's official. I love my Kevtuplets. Haha yes. Cool name, I know, props to Seana :] Anyway, Trisha, Seana, Manda, Lin, Bri and I are beyond amazing. Our fluffyness and conversations pone the world. Summer tradition much? I think so. Chocolate + Honey = all you need.

Now, I'm off to go write more of my Fluff :] So, I'll leave you all with the wise words of Sam and myself.
"Oh yea! Who'se your daddy?!"
"Your momma!"


Anonymous said...

yes. stand up for yourself!
*claps a proud clap*

are amazing.
and so are you biffle.
love you! :]

haha *giggles*

Allyson said...

I feel so special that ive been replaced..Im rather angered at 'him' and 'her' as well!! Umm Loudest on the Team..More like..loudest on the planet!

julia said...

Yay for your homerun. :]
I played baseball one year, when I was seven, with this kid who made us call him "Oz," even though his name was like, Nathan or something.

mandizzle.loves.you said...

It's me, Manda.

Yes, we pone. hahaha

And yay about the home run. Whoot whoot.

haha, ly!