Monday, December 31, 2007

Adios 2007.

Okay so I felt the need to post one of these too ..I'm probably leaving out SO much but it's okay cause it's all in my head.

first off - Best Summer of my LIFE!

- Hawaii with cousin<3 Never ever ever gunna forget that. Thoes kids, we miss em haha. LIKE LIKE! beach everyday. the annoying tour guide. surfing, parasailing, just chillin. NO PETAFILES! scarryy haha. WE WERE SCARED! but then .. apple juice! AMAZZZZZING TANS that I want back sooo bad!Christina, I love you and I'm always here for you babe.

- then Puerto Rico with thoes two hoes that I love to death. I don't think I've had that much fun in forever. Blue shorts gray shorts! Scary as anything! "I don't wanna get raped!" Good thing thoes Canadians protected us<3 haha I miss them. and of course .. ____ and ____ and _____ on the phone every single day/night. Intercontinental<3 Major snack food. Locking Amanda on the pourch. Metro Pol! "They're our friends, they flew in." iPhone ranmblings .. you're not making any sence?! hahah. Best vacation with best friends<3

- of course, all of the concerts. I don't even know if I can name them all from the summer and I'm not even gunna try. But all I know was, there was tears, laughter, and everything in betwen ... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Traveling doesn't even come close to describing what we've done. G&G dance! Coochie! Secrets. Jerseys. "That fatty is probably home eating M&M's" .. establishing the Kevtuplets? V.I.P

- anddddd can't forget the beach club! beeeeeee, you're my life even though you're not gunna read this its all good ahaha. and graduation, prom, parties, throwing me in the pool .. haha never gunna forget that. and of course being bums all day .. that was my life all summer haha. Summer 07 was the abs. BEST.

basically, throughout the whole year I've made such good memories and such good friends. I can't even begin to tell you how much I've changed, for the better. I can tell now that my next 4 years are going to be amazing, thanks to my girlies. And of course Bee, Lau, Amanda & Amanda and all my others<3 ily alll so much, thanks for making this year abs. amazing!

Monday, December 17, 2007


2nd row, backstage - j&H!!!!!!!, rockstar dance, BLIZZARDS!, bestfriends<3, AMAZING hugs, screennames = PONED PONED PONED PONED PONED.